
Signing in for the first time?

Enter your User ID—this is the same as your Piedmont Bank Access ID.  Select a phone number to receive a security code.  If your phone number is not listed, Customer Care is ready to help at 800.327.9862 or visit your local branch.

Are You on Track for Retirement?

Create a plan that is built to last. 

Fraud Awareness

Protect Yourself from Financial Scams

Scammers are always creating new ways to steal your money. While United Bank may send you a text alert to prevent unusual activity, we will never request personal information, such as your online banking user ID, security codes, or account information, through unsolicited text messages or calls.

Fraud Awareness

Protect Yourself from Financial Scams

Scammers are always creating new ways to steal your money. While United Bank may send you a text alert to prevent unusual activity, we will never request personal information, such as your online banking user ID, security codes, or account information, through unsolicited text messages or calls.

Locate a branch near you.

Need help? Give us a call.

We’ll get right back to you.

*Other fees may apply. See fee schedule for details.