United Bank is committed to providing excellence in service to our communities.
United Bank is a demonstrated leader in strategically aligning resources to move the needle on pressing challenges faced by our communities. One such challenge is the affordable housing crisis in the United States. United's work in financing a complex array of affordable housing developments in the Adams Morgan and Columbia Heights neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. showcases our sustained commitment to being a strong, reliable finance partner of nonprofit affordable housing developers.
While these neighborhoods have faced significant challenges in the past, recent unprecedented demand for housing puts long-time residents at risk of displacement. United recognizes that breaking the cycle of poverty is much more complex than simply putting families in housing. Thus, we have financed, donated, sponsored, invested in, and volunteered with a wide range of activities and social services that are instrumental in empowering these families to long-term economic stability. Some of these services include affordable childcare, workforce development, small business support, end of life care, ESL resources, and afterschool programs - all within walking distance of an affordable home.