Welcome Piedmont Bank Customers

Skyline of downtown Atlanta, Georgia from Piedmont Park

Welcome Piedmont Bank Customers

Welcome to United Bankshares

We are excited to welcome you to United Bankshares and are truly grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve you. With 185 years of banking tradition, United Bank DBA United Bankshares is well positioned to meet your needs by providing the technology, products, and expertise you’d expect from a big bank, with the personal touch and local decision-making of your neighborhood bank.

We are grateful for all Piedmont Bank has done for its customers, and we hope you share our excitement about the opportunities ahead.

We hope you are able to find everything you need for a smooth transition. Please review this important timeline information for everything you need to know about your personal and small business and business accounts. 

Transition Information

Personal & Small Business Accounts

Find everything you need to know about the transition of your personal or small business banking accounts and how to access your new online and mobile banking.

Business Accounts

We are committed to ensuring your business doesn't miss a beat during the transition. Get the information you need to help you manage your business with United Bank.

Debit & Credit Card Holders

Find out about United Visa® Debit and Credit cards for both personal and business use.  Learn what to expect from your current Piedmont Bank credit card and be prepared. 

Your Transition Timeline and What to Expect

Welcome Guide

We mailed you a Welcome Guide with important customer information, including changes to your accounts, office locations, account details, and an overview of the transition process. 

Prior to Friday, March 21 of transition weekend, please be sure to confirm that Piedmont Bank has your up-to-date phone number. You may do so by contacting your local Piedmont Bank office. United uses a one-time security code via phone call or text message to verify users when logging in to United Online Banking. The code can only be sent to the phone number associated with the account.

Transition Weekend Begins

  • Prior to Friday, March 21 of transition weekend, please be sure to confirm that Piedmont Bank has your up-to-date phone number. 
  • Piedmont Bank branch locations will close at 2:00 p.m. Telephone Banking will operate in inquiry-only mode beginning 5:00 p.m. Friday of transition weekend through 8:00 a.m. the Monday post-transition by calling 855.835.6822.       
  • Access to Piedmont Bank Online Banking will be disabled.
  • Access to Piedmont Mobile Banking will be disabled. 
  • Piedmont Bank Business Online Banking service will be disabled. 

United Customer Care Ready to Help

Piedmont branches will be closed. 

You may begin contacting United Customer Care at 800.327.9862.

Saturday:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Standard Hours:
Monday - Friday:  8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Post Transition

  • All offices will open, fully transitioned to United Bankshares. Drive-ups and lobbies will be fully functional at their normal operating times.  See all United office locations and ATMs
  • United Online and Mobile Banking will be available for both personal and small business accounts. In order to use United Mobile Banking you must first sign in through United Online Banking before downloading the Bank With United mobile banking app. 
  • Telebanc, United’s Telephone Banking System, will be available to you at 8:00 a.m.
  • Business Online Banking will automatically convert to United Business Edge.

Wire Transfers

You will continue to receive your incoming wires via Piedmont Bank’s routing number for 180-days post-transition. However, please notify the originator of your payments to begin using United’s routing number as soon as possible after transition weekend. 056004445.

Telephone Banking

Piedmont Bank’s Telephone Banking will be operating in inquiry-only mode after 5:00 p.m. the Friday of transition weekend and will only include balance and transaction history through the end of the prior business day. Debit Card transactions will not be included beginning the Thursday of transition weekend.

Telebanc, United’s Telephone Banking System, will be available to you on the Monday post-transition at 8:00 a.m. With Telebanc, you may establish telephone banking access, obtain account balance information, activate your Visa Debit Card, and transfer funds between accounts.

Getting Started

  1. To activate your United Telebanc account, call 877.334.4646.
  2. For added security, you will enter your Account Number rather than your Social Security number to access your information.
  3. The first time you call, enter the last four digits of the primary account holder’s Social Security number as your PIN.
  4. You will be prompted to choose a new PIN. Joint account holders will need to share the same PIN for access to Telebanc.

Telebanc requires individual account numbers to access each account’s information, rather than one master number to access all of your accounts.

Important Notice
FDIC Insurance:  In Georgia, branches operating under the United Bankshares name are in fact United Bank branches. It is important for you to know that United Bank is one bank regardless of whether you maintain your account at a United Bank branch outside of Georgia or at a United Bankshares branch within Georgia. Specifically, for purposes of your FDIC insurance coverage, United Bank and its United Bankshares branches in Georgia are viewed together as a single bank. If you hold one or more accounts maintained at a United Bank branch outside of Georgia and you also hold one or more accounts maintained at a United Bankshares branch within Georgia, all of these accounts are seen as being held at a single bank and are restricted to the standard insurance amount of $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category. All deposits will continue to be FDIC-insured up to the maximum amount allowed. In addition, for six months after the transition, your accounts with Piedmont Bank will be insured separately from any you may have with United.

For more information on FDIC insurance, please call 877.ASK.FDIC.

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