Personal and Small Business Accounts

Your Personal and Small Business Transition

  • Your account number(s) will remain the same unless you have been notified otherwise.
  • United Bank's Routing Number:  056004445  
  • United Customer Care:  800.327.9862

Checks and Deposits

Piedmont Bank personalized checks and deposits may continue to be used after the transition unless you have received a letter stating otherwise. Your Piedmont Bank account information will convert to United when you place your first check order with our preferred provider, Deluxe.

 Access to Piedmont Bank Online Banking will be disabled on the Friday of transition weekend.  

United Customer Care offers 24/7 support for personal online banking customers, effective the Monday post-transition.

For online  banking features that will or will not automatically convert from Piedmont Bank to United, see page 9 in the Welcome Guide

How to Access United Online Banking

  1. Visit the Homepage or the Online Banking page to sign in. 
  2. Make sure Personal is selected from the dropdown menu and enter your  Piedmont Bank Online Banking User ID.
  3. Click Sign In.
  4. You will be prompted to receive a security code via phone call or text message. Your phone number must be associated with your account in order to be used for the security code.
    If you do not see your phone number listed, then you have either mistyped your User ID or your phone number is not associated with your account.
  5. Enter your security code.
  6. Enter your temporary password, which is the last six digits of your Social Security number. 
    Please note
    : This temporary password will expire 30 days post-transition.
  7. You will automatically be redirected to the Reset Password page. Follow the prompts to create and submit your new password. Password requirements must be met.
  8. Use the eSign Prompt to accept the Terms and Conditions. Once logged in, you will be routed to the Accounts Page. 

 Please note: Access IDs with invalid characters will be updated to remove unsupported characters and _!!! will be placed at the end of your United User ID. Invalid characters include: SPACE, ampersand (&), less than (<), and/or Tilde (~) characters. For example, if today your Piedmont Bank Access ID is banker&1, then your new United Username will change to banker1_!!! following transition weekend. You can change your United Username once you sign into United Online Banking with your updated Access ID from Manage Profile under the Self Service tab. 

Bill Pay

Most payees and scheduled payments are expected to convert. Please verify the accuracy of all scheduled bill payments, payees, and payee addresses. United Bill Pay feature can be found in Online Banking under the Move Money tab and within the Bank With United mobile banking app. You may make bill payments via an electronic or paper check to participating merchants. For scheduled bill payments, you must have sufficient funds in your account on the date that the payment is scheduled to be sent, or the bill payment may be delayed or canceled.

  • For electronic bill payments, the funds will be deducted from your account the day the electronic bill payment is sent. If you do not have enough money in your account on the date your payment is scheduled to be sent, your payment will be canceled rather than your account being issued a fee for insufficient funds. You will be notified by email if your payment is canceled or delayed so you can take the appropriate action to pay the bill.
  • For paper check bill payments, funds will be deducted from your account when the check is scheduled to be sent, at which point United will send a substitute check on your behalf. The funds are verified before the check is sent. If funds are not available, the payment will be canceled rather than your account being issued a fee for insufficient funds. You will be alerted if your payment is not processed due to insufficient funds so you can take the appropriate action to pay the bill.

Bill Pay Limits

United Bill Pay has a transaction limit of $9,999.99 and a daily limit of $20,000.00.

Fund Transfers

 If you currently have scheduled or recurring transfers established with Piedmont Bank:

  • Scheduled and recurring funds transfers, both internal and external, will NOT convert.
  • Beginning on or after the Monday post-transition, you MUST re-establish all internal and external transfers through United Online Banking, or by calling or visiting your local United branch.
  • Please note that any established transfer(s) will not be delivered on time unless all scheduled and recurring transfer(s) are re-established post-transition.
  • If you need assistance establishing new transfer(s) within Online Banking, we recommend that you contact your local branch or call United Customer Care at 800.327.9862 post-transition.

If you currently utilize an overdraft sweep with Piedmont Bank, this service will automatically continue as described under United’s Overdraft Transfer service. 


Funds Availability

All cash deposited in an office will be made available immediately; all other transactions will be processed during nightly processing and made available on the next business day. Please refer to our complete Funds Availability Policy on page 33 in the Welcome Guide.

Access to Piedmont Bank Mobile Banking will be disabled on the Friday of transition weekend.

In order to use United Mobile Banking, you will need to first sign in through United Online Banking prior to downloading and using the Bank With United mobile banking app.

Download the United Mobile Banking App

Bank With United mobile app is available for download on the App Store & GoogleTM Play and is free with your United checking or savings account.

Scan the QR code with your smarphone for quick access to our mobile app.

QR code to download mobile banking app

Download the United Mobile Banking App

Bank With United mobile app is available for download on the App Store & GoogleTM Play and is free with your United checking or savings account.

From your mobile device you can tap the right badge for easy access. 


Access to Piedmont Bank Online Banking will be disabled on the Friday of transition weekend. If you currently use Piedmont Bank Online Banking, your accounts will automatically convert to United Online Banking. While some of the associated features will also automatically convert from Piedmont Bank to United, you will have to reestablish others within United Online Banking on or after the Monday post-transition.

 If your business did not receive a letter with a Company ID, your business online banking account will be accessed through United’s Small Business Online Banking.

How to Access United Small Business Online Banking

  1. Beginning the Monday post-transition, you can sign in from our homepage.  
  2. Using the secure sign-in box, enter your User ID, with Small Business selected from the dropdown menu. Your User ID will be the same as your Piedmont Bank Online Banking User ID.
  3. Click Sign In.
  4. You will be prompted to receive a security code via phone call or text message. Your phone number must be associated wih your account in order to be used for the security code.

    If you do not see your phone number listed, then you hav either mistyped your User ID or your phone number is not associated with your account.
  5. Enter your security code.
  6. Enter your temporary password, which is the last six digits of your Tax ID (or Social Security number for sole proprietors). Please note: This temporary password will expire 30 days post-transition.
  7. You will automatically be redirected to the Reset Password page. Follow the prompts to create and submit your new password. Password requirements must be met.
  8. Use the eSign Prompt to accept the Terms and Conditions.  Once logged in, you will be routed to the Accounts Page.

You will need to download the Bank With United mobile banking app to access your accounts via mobile device. (Please do not download the Bank With United Business mobile banking app for Small Business use.) Piedmont Bank Mobile Banking will be disabled on the Friday of transition weekend. United Mobile Banking will be available on the Monday post-transition.

Getting Started

To use United Mobile Banking, you will first need to sign in to your United Small Business Online Banking account on or after the Monday post-transition.

Bank With United mobile banking app is available for download on the App Store & GoogleTM Play and is free with your United checking or savings account.

From your mobile device you can tap the right badge for easy access. 


Important Notice

FDIC Insurance:  In Georgia, branches operating under the United Bankshares name are in fact United Bank branches. It is important for you to know that United Bank is one bank regardless of whether you maintain your account at a United Bank branch outside of Georgia or at a United Bankshares branch within Georgia. Specifically, for purposes of your FDIC insurance coverage, United Bank and its United Bankshares branches in Georgia are viewed together as a single bank. If you hold one or more accounts maintained at a United Bank branch outside of Georgia and you also hold one or more accounts maintained at a United Bankshares branch within Georgia, all of these accounts are seen as being held at a single bank and are restricted to the standard insurance amount of $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category. All deposits will continue to be FDIC-insured up to the maximum amount allowed. In addition, for six months after the transition, your accounts with Piedmont Bank will be insured separately from any you may have with United.

For more information on FDIC insurance, please call 877.ASK.FDIC.

United Bank does not charge a fee for mobile banking. However, third-party message and data rates may apply. These include fees your wireless carrier may charge you for data usage and text messaging services. Check with your wireless carrier for details regarding your specific wireless plan, and any data usage or text messaging charges that may apply. Also, a supported mobile device is needed to use the Bank With United or Bank With United Business mobile banking app. Certain other restrictions may apply. See the mobile banking terms and conditions in the United Bank Online Banking service agreement.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Apple and iPad and are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.

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